Monday, August 15, 2011

How safe are you?

To help you memorize Psalm 91 as personal safety affirmations, watch my video on YouTube by clicking on this link;
Rioting and Looting
From Cairo to Damascus, from Athens to London and Philadelphia, we are seeing a world-wide increase in political upheaval, rioting and looting. The Biblical speaks in an end-time prophecy of an increase in lawlessness. Some commentators blame the criminal behavior of stone-throwing youths on a lack of discipline from parents. Others cite the global economic downturn as the reason. Yet others blame the unrest on the withdrawal of entitlements by governments that can no longer pay for them. No doubt, they are all right.
Predictions of global economic collapse if enough reason for millions to become fearful. Where will your food come from? What happens if people start looting the grocery stores? How can we keep providing for our families and ourselves? Should I arm myself with guns? These are all logical questions that all natural minds seek answers to.  The times are drawing near when, “there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” Luke 25:21

God can let you fly far above all trouble!
Build your house now!
If you know anything about God it is that he is not natural but supernatural. He is also not logical like us as His thoughts are not our thoughts. He is not afraid and as believers commands us to, “Fear not!”  The Good News is that He promises us a safe passage! In order to make safety a reality we are again faced with the challenge to change our thinking. You need to stop thinking about natural events, no matter what is happening around us and fill our thoughts forcefully with his promises of safety. You need to do that now! Like my old Pastor Derek used to say, “You can’t build a house in the storm!” Yes, you have to build your house before the storm of danger comes, before food shortages come, before looting and rioting comes to your town and to your street.
The house you need to build is the one in your mind. Fill it with God’s promises of safety and your life will be lifted above the natural into the supernatural realm. There is a place for you right here in this natural world where you can remain safe and provided for, no matter what others around you are going through. God is able to feed you when there is no food to be bought. Logic says that is impossible, but God says all things are possible to Him and to you if you will only believe it. He can and will do it, but you have to do your part. “Fear not!” It is your job to build that peaceful, joyous and trusting place in your thoughts. “Be transformed,” says the Word, “by the renewing of your mind!”

Not the truth of natural circumstances but the truth of His Word!

A simple and wonderful place to start is the scripture, “No weapon formed against you will prosper.” Isa 54:17. There is no end to the security that a promise such as this can carry you if you truly make it your own. 
Psalm 91
The whole of Psalm 91 was written to enable you not to fear. Your job is to force the fear from your heart by God’s loving promises to keep you not only safe and sound, but provided for in every way. Remember, God is not limited by natural conditions and can create what seems impossible just for you.

1 comment:

  1. I like this page however I was ask money for prayer request God does not charge anybody for money ,part of my information about me Peter Popoff has my request was not accepted with credit card not of God I pray for our forgiveness in Jesus name Amen!!!
